Regional Competitions

FPSA Logo Color


  • Firefighter Physical Agility
  • Firefighter Skills
  • Bunker Gear Race
  • Firefighter Search and Rescue *
  • EMR Competition

Criminal Justice

  • Traffic Stop*
  • High Risk Traffic Stop*
  • DUI Traffic Stop*
  • Evidence Packaging*
  • Obstacle Course
  • Latent Fingerprint Comparison*
  • Latent Lift*

Open Competitions

  • Extemporaneous Speaking*
  • Digital Flyer*
  • Digital Marketing Poster*
  • Digital Pamphlet*
  • Prepared Marketing Poster*
  • Prepared Poster Display*
  • Prepared Trifold Display*
  • Prepared Speaking*
  • Public Information Officer*

State Leadership Conference


Brain Bowl FF is intended to stimulate and motivate students to participate in teams to test their knowledge on assorted topics and situations in public service education programs from Firefighter 1, FPSA, and Parliamentary Procedures.

Firefighter Bunker Gear Race To encourage public service students to develop the skills to don firefighter protective gear.

Firefighter Chapter Video The students will create a marking video that showcases their program and displays school and community involvement.

Firefighter Exam Tests the knowledge of the student in their public service career path

Firefighter Physical Agility Course To encourage public service students to develop physical coordination and endurance by participating in a fitness obstacle course that simulates physical tasks that a firefighter might encounter in emergency situations.

Fire Scene Incident Report Writing To encourage firefighter students to improve their report writing, (remove the before organizational) ‘organizational, spelling, and grammar skills, used in public service reports.

Fire Scene Diagram To encourage firefighter students to improve their critical thinking during fire scene operations.

Firefighter Search and Rescue Maze To encourage public service students to develop the physical and sensory skills to conduct a successful search of an area under simulated zero visibility conditions.

Firefighting Skills To ensure firefighters have knowledge on the topic of ropes, knots, tools, and fire hoses including the use, types, maintenance, and care. All skills are required in the State of Florida FFI curriculum through written examination and practical performance of the firefighting tasks and skills.

Firefighter Stair Climb Challenge to encourage the firefighter students to improve their ability and stamina in carrying equipment upstairs to attack a fire.

Fire Station Design to encourage the firefighter student to look at the design of the fire station and create a station that complies with all the state and federal requirements and meets the needs of the firefighter.

Criminal Justice

Brain Bowl CJ Is intended to stimulate and motivate students to participate in teams to test their knowledge on various topics and situations in public service education programs from Criminal Justice 1, FPSA, and Parliamentary Procedures

Criminal Justice Chapter Video The students will create a marking video that showcases their program and displays school and community Involvement.

Composite Drawing To allow the students to experience playing the role of the victim and officer in a crime scene composite drawing scenario. The student's memory and verbal sl Is will be tested,

Crime Scene Sketch The crime scene drawing competition will test the abilities of the student to create a to-scale diagram by hand along with their ability to read a rough sketch and interpret measurements and angles.

Criminal Justice Exam Test the knowledge of the student in their public service career path

Criminal Justice Obstacle Course To encourage public service students to develop physical coordination and endurance by participating in a fitness obstacle course that simulates physical tasks that a law enforcement officer might encounter in emergency situations

Criminal Response To encourage criminal justice students to improve their problem-solving, decision-making, oral, and written communication skills in a criminal investigation

Defensive Tactics To encourage criminal justice students to improve their ability in defensive tactics and introduce them to the CISIS standards of training

DUI Traffic Stop to encourage criminal justice students to improve their ability to conduct a proper DUI traffic stop, while recognizing officer safety and, at the same time handling a DUI suspect with the utmost care and concern for the suspect’s safety as well. This also promotes good interpersonal skills (human relations skills). NHTSA DUI Manual

Evidence Packaging To encourage Criminal Just students to improve their ability to properly collect, package, and secure items of evidence 2

Forensic Investigation encourage Criminal Justice students to improve their ability in properly searching a crime scene, diagramming the scene, photographing the scene, securing evidence from the scene, and properly documenting the investigation for the possibility of future use in court

Forensics Investigation Virtual Reality The student will enter the VR Crime Scene and locate and collect evidence to the virtual evidence collection point. The student will test for fingerprints, DNA, and drugs at the crime scene. 

High Risk Traffic Stop To encourage criminal justice students to improve thelr ability to conduct a professional felony traffic stop, recognize demonstrate officer safety skills, proper handling of dangerous individuals, and to promote good team work investigation for the possibility of future use in court

Ideal Prison Cell The Ideal Prison cell competition is designed to expose the student to the field of corrections. The competition will provide the student with opportunities to learn about the prison system and the rules and regulations that go into designing a prison cell

Ideal Prison The Ideal Prison competition is designed to expose the student to the field of corrections. The competition will provide the student with opportunities to learn about the prison system and the rules and regulations that go into designing a maximum-security prison keeping it within the 8th amendment of the Constitution.

Incident Report Writing To encourage criminal justice students to improve their writing, organizational, spelling, and grammar skills, used in public service reports.

Latent Lift To encourage Criminal Justice students to improve their ability to process latent evidence, identify evidence of value, and properly collect that evidence

Latent Fingerprint comparison To encourage criminal justice students to improve their ability to recognize fingerprint pattern types, assign a proper orientation to latent prints, and compare latent prints to known standards and render conclusions (identification, exclusion, or inconclusive).

Plaster Casting To improve the students ability to recognize an impression in sand and properly pour a plaster cast that will set in 45 minutes

Room Clearing  To encourage public safety students to learn techniques to search a room in a safe manner, accomplishing the objectives and goals of the search,

Traffic Crash Report Writing To improve Criminal Justice students’ ability to write proper reports of traffic accidents and to introduce other Public Service students to the world of law enforcement and its consequence. Click here for the Traffic Accident Report.

Traffic Stop to encourage criminal justice students to improve their ability to conduct a proper traffic stop, recognize officer safety skills; promote good interpersonal skills (human relations skills) and how to properly write @ Florida Uniform Traffic Citation. Here is the Florida UTC Combined Manual.

Use of Force Room Clearing To improve their knowledge of the role of firearms by the police, as well as emotional and physical skills needed in the appropriate use of a firearm. To improve their skills in identifying a threat and taking the appropriate use of force during a room search

Use Of Force To instruct Criminal Justice Operations students in the safe and legal use of firearms. To improve their cognitive, emotional and physical skills required for Marksmanship Training and Firearms Safety

Use Of Force Team To instruct Criminal Justice Operations students in the safe and legal use of firearms. To improve their cognitive, emotional and physical skills required for Marksmanship Training and Firearms Safety

Teaching Assistant

Brain Bowl TA – Is intended to stimulate and motivate students to participate in teams to test their knowledge on various topics and situations in public service education programs from Teaching Assistant, FPSA, and Parliamentary Procedures us and Parliamentary Procedures.

Teacher Chapter Video The students will create a marking video that showcases their program and displays school and community involvement.

Ideal Classroom The Ideal Classroom competition is designed to expose the student to the field of education.  The competition will provide the student with opportunities to learn about the education system and the rules and regulation that go into designing and operating a classroom.

Referral Writing to encourage teacher assistants to improve their writing, organizational, spelling, and grammar skills, used in public service.

Test Construction Develop a test, including objective and subjective type questions, to measure how well students have learned a concept or subject matter.

Teacher Exam Test the knowledge of the student in their public service career path.

Teacher Lesson Plan Write a lesson plan that is organized, and clear and contains all essential parts, such as objectives, materials, activities, homework, evaluation, and quiz for the following day.

Open Competitions

911 Dispatch To encourage students to improve their communication skills for police, fire, and rescue in the field of telecommunications.

911 Dispatch Exam To encourage students to improve their academic knowledge of the State of Florida's 911 Telecommunicator’s state exam

Chapter Display To encourage Public Service students to improve their ability to showcase their program at their school to include program of study, awards, school spirit, and express and communicate this interpretation with a creative visual display. The event will be during the first day at the college and career fair.

Classroom Emergency Kit The purpose is to expose the students to the items necessary in an emergency classroom kit.  This event is open to anyone.

Community Service Project recognizes FPSA chapters that develop projects to serve the community and its citizens

CPR To ensure Public Service students can show safe and effective use of Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation

Digital Pamphlet To encourage students to apply the basic skills and knowledge of developing an effective digital bulletin board pamphlet.

Digital Marketing Poster Display To encourage Public Service students to develop a digital marketing poster to market the whole Florida Public Service Association to other programs.

Digital Flyer  - To encourage Public Service students to improve their ability to analyze and Interpret Public Service issues, and express and communicate this interpretation with a creative digital visual display.

Emergency Go Kit to create an emergency response kit a first responder (criminal justice, firefighter, etc.) might prepare and deploy in a personal vehicle, squad car or other location not regularly stocked with a medical kit of any kind.

Extemporaneous Speaking To encourage Public Service Occupation students to improve their ability to organize and present information about an assigned topic in an extemporaneous manner

Extemporaneous Closing Statement To experience the courtroom aspect of criminal law and to develop extemporaneous presentation skills.

Extemporaneous Opening Statement To experience the courtroom aspect of criminal law and to develop extemporaneous presentation skills.

Honor Guard 2.0 To encourage the students to work together in a small group and learn the different functions of the honor guard team.

Job Seeking Skills To encourage Public Service Education students to develop and/or refine the skills necessary to apply for and obtain employment

Marketing Video To encourage Public Service Education students to create a video detailing the purpose and benefits of the Florida Public Service Association.

Mr. Miss Public Service This event will allow the student to showcase their involvement in their community and in the FPSA.

Parliamentary Procedures The Parliamentary Procedure event Is designed to develop leadership ability and the opportunity to develop the basic principles of Parliamentary Procedure by conducting a simulated business meeting. This event is based on team rather than individual competition; therefore, members learn the importance of cooperation and working together through competitive performance

Prepared Tri-Fold Display To encourage students to apply the basic skills and knowledge of developing an effective bulletin board display.

Prepared Marketing Poster Display To encourage Public Service students to improve their ability to analyze and interpret Public Service issues and express and communicate this interpretation with a creative visual display.

Prepared Poster Display To encourage Public Service students to improve their ability to: analyze and interpret Public Service issues; express and communicate this interpretation with a creative visual display

Prepared Speaking To encourage Public Service students to improve their skills in speaking and their abilities in organizing and present facts or information about a topic related to a specific theme

Public Information Officer  To encourage Public Service Occupation students to improve their ability in organizing and presenting information about an assigned topic in an extemporaneous manner as a public information officer.

Scrapbook To encourage the development of local club activities that benefits the student, the school, and the community, and to provide documentation of the chapter's activities at the local level.

Team Dynamics To gain experience In Interpersonal skills and leadership through teamwork and management

Virtual Speech To encourage Public Service students to improve their skills in speaking and their abilities in organizing and present facts or information about a topic related to a specific theme using a virtual format.